Momentum foton

persamaan momentum foton sinar X

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

What's air balloon

Hot air balloon flight is the first by human technology, invented by the Montgolfier brothers in Annonay, France in 1783. The first flight by man was held on 21 November 1783, in Paris by Pilatre de Rozier and the Marquis d'Arlandes. Hot air balloon can be controlled and not only brought winds known as airships or thermal airship.
Hot air balloons give lift force due to the hot air inside the balloon is lighter than the air outside the balloon. Air balloon works is based on the principle of Archimedes Law. According to this principle, it can be stated that a body that surrounded the air will experience a lift force equal to the volume of air displaced by the object.

Archimedes law

With: FA = Upward force (N),
ρf = The density of the fluid(kg/m3),
Vf volume of the fluid displaced (m3), dan
g = acceleration of gravity (m/s2).
 It can be seen that the magnitude of the upward force experienced by objects in the fluid depends on the density of the fluid, the volume of displaced fluid, and the acceleration of Earth's gravity. You have to know that an object that is in the fluid may float, float, or sink, the following description.
a. Terapung

Object immersed in a fluid will float if the density of the object is smaller than the density of the fluid (ρb <ρf). The density of objects floating in the fluid meets the following equation.
with: Vbf = volume of the object submerged in a fluid (m3),
Vb = volume objects (m3),
hbf = high objects submerged in fluid (m),
hb = height objects (m),
ρb = density of objects (kg/m3), and
ρf = the density of the fluid(kg/m3).
b. Melayang
Object immersed in a fluid will float if the density of objects with fluid density (ρb = ρf). Can you give examples of objects that float in liquid water?
c. Tenggelam
Object immersed in a fluid will sink if the density of the object is greater than the density of the fluid (ρb> ρf). If the object is immersed in a fluid can be weighed in the fluid, the weight of the object will be
with: wbf = body weight in fluid (N), and
w = weight of the object in the air (N).

Hukum Archimedes

dengan: FA = gaya ke atas (N),
ρf = massa jenis fluida (kg/m3),
Vf = volume fluida yang dipindahkan (m3), dan
g = percepatan gravitasi (m/s2).
Dapat dilihat bahwa besarnya gaya ke atas yang dialami benda di dalam fluida bergantung pada massa jenis fluida, volume fluida yang dipindahkan, dan percepatan gravitasi Bumi. Anda telah mengetahui bahwa suatu benda yang berada di dalam fluida dapat terapung, melayang, atau tenggelam, berikut uraiannya.
a. Terapung
Benda yang dicelupkan ke dalam fluida akan terapung jika massa jenis benda lebih kecil daripada massa jenis fluida (ρb < ρf). Massa jenis benda yang terapung dalam fluida memenuhi persamaan berikut.
dengan: Vbf = volume benda yang tercelup dalam fluida (m3),
Vb = volume benda (m3),
hbf = tinggi benda yang tercelup dalam fluida (m),
hb = tinggi benda (m),
ρb = massa jenis benda (kg/m3), dan
ρf = massa jenis fluida (kg/m3).
b. Melayang
Benda yang dicelupkan ke dalam fluida akan melayang jika massa jenis benda sama dengan massa jenis fluida (ρb= ρf). Dapatkah Anda memberikan contoh benda-benda yang melayang di dalam zat cair?
c. Tenggelam
Benda yang dicelupkan ke dalam fluida akan tenggelam jika massa jenis benda lebih besar daripada massa jenis fluida (ρb > ρf). Jika benda yang dapat tenggelam dalam fluida ditimbang di dalam fluida tersebut, berat benda akan menjadi
dengan: wbf = berat benda dalam fluida (N), dan
w = berat benda di udara (N).

Apa itu balon udara

Balon udara panas adalah teknologi penerbangan pertama oleh manusia, ditemukan oleh Montgolfier bersaudara di Annonay, Perancis pada 1783. Penerbangan pertama dengan manusia diadakan pada 21 November 1783, di Paris oleh Pilâtre de Rozier dan Marquis d'Arlandes. Balon udara panas dapat dikendalikan dan bukan hanya dibawa angin yang dikenal dengan airship atau thermal airship.
Udara panas dalam balon memberikan gaya angkat karena udara panas di dalam balon lebih ringan daripada udara di luar balon. Balon udara bekerja berdasarkan prinsip Hukum Archimedes. Menurut prinsip ini, dapat dinyatakan bahwa sebuah benda yang dikelilingi udara akan mengalami gaya angkat yang besarnya sama dengan volume udara yang dipindahkan oleh benda tersebut.

Balon Udara

The use of x-ray in a variety of fields

X-ray is one tool that can emit electromagnet. X-rays has a similar shape with light rays normal, infrared and radio waves.
What distinguishes x rays with normal light is in terms of wavelength. X-rays have a wavelength shorter size 10-7 to 10-9.
An x-ray or x-ray and functions
In health
Medical science: x-rays can be used to see the condition of the bones, teeth and other organs without melakukun surgery directly on the patient's body. Usually, the common people call it as'' X-ray''.
X-rays are used to take images known as radiographs. X-rays may penetrate the human body but is absorbed by the portion that is more dense as bone. Figure X-rays are used to imposing disability bone, imposing a broken bone and investigate the state of the organs in the body.
X-rays are used to destroy cancer cells. This is known as radiotherapy.
o In the field of Industry, check out the cracks in the structure of plastic and resin.
In the field of scientific research
X-rays are used for probing the structure of the crystal and the separation distance between the atoms in a substance crystal.
In the field of aviation
In-flight X-ray is used to determine the instrument aircraft were damaged. The results of the use of X-rays is easier technician aircraft to perform maintenance on the instrument plane that suffered damage.

Pemanfaatan sinar x

Pemanfaatan sinar X dibidang kedokteran
Sinar X atau X-ray adalah salah satu alat yang dapat memancarkan sinar elektromagnet. Sinar-X ini mempunyai bentuk yang serupa dengan sinar cahaya biasa, inframerah dan gelombang radio.
Yang membedakan sinar x dengan cahaya biasa adalah dari segi panjang gelombangnya. Sinar-X mempunyai gelombang yang pendek berukuran 10-7 hingga 10-9.
Mesin x-ray atau sinar x dan fungsinya
Dalam bidang kesehatan
  • Ilmu kedokteran : sinar x dapat digunakan untuk melihat kondisi tulang, gigi serta organ tubuh yang lain tanpa melakukun pembedahan langsung pada tubuh pasien. Biasanya, masyarakat awam menyebutnya dengan sebutan ‘’FOTO RONTGEN’’.
  • Sinar-X digunakan untuk mengambil gambar foto yang dikenal sebagai radiograf. Sinar-X boleh menembusi badan manusia tetapi diserap oleh bahagian yang lebih tumpat seperti tulang. Gambar foto sinar-X digunakan untuk mengesan kecacatan tulang, mengesan tulang yang patah dan menyiasat keadaan organ-organ dalam badan.
  • Sinar-X digunakan untuk memusnahkan sel-sel kanker. Hal ini dikenal sebagai radioterapi.
    • Dalam bidang Perindustrian, memeriksa retakan dalam struktur plastik  dan getah.
Dalam bidang penelitian ilmiah
Sinar-X digunakan untuk menyelidik struktur hablur dan jarak pemisahan antara atom-atom dalam suatu bahan hablur.
Dalam bidang penerbangan
Dalam penerbangan sinar X digunakan untuk mengetahui instrument pesawat yang mengalami kerusakan. Hasil dari penggunaan sinar X ini memudahkan tehnisi pesawat untuk melakukan perawatan terhadap instrument pesawat yang mengalami kerusakan.

Historycal of X-ray

X-ray was discovered on 8 November 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen a Physics professor and rector of the University of Wurzburg in Germany. Roentgen conduct research using cathode ray tubes. Named X-rays because of "X" amount of the unknown states. For his discovery, Roentgen get the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.

   The physical state of the X-rays into the properties of the X-rays, among others, is the big break with high frequency, has a straight beam and coherent, the magnetic field and electric field are not deflected as uncharged, can discolor the film plate, and can cause any material as well as X-ray luminous flouresens in physics include the Electromagnetic Waves.

During its development, X-rays have been used in various fields of human life. One is the use of X-rays in the medical field for the X-ray photo of human body to specific organs or therapies, such as CT scans for the body or head. Besides X-rays commonly used in the diagnosis of pictures medical and Crystallography X-ray

What's the meaning of X-ray ?

In the X-ray Physics is a form of ionizing radiation and can be dangerous. X-ray tube consists of a vacuum tube that given two electrodes, an anode and a cathode and filament heating. Cathode which has been heated to release electrons. As a result, the potential difference is given between the anode and cathode are derived from a high voltage source, then the electrons from the cathode are attracted to the anode. When the electron-electron mashing anode, they slowed so its kinetic energy turns into heat and Electromagnetic Waves, which is a X-ray Peritiwa is often called Bremstahlung.

X-ray spectra produced by the X-ray tube consists of two parts, namely the continuous part due to the movement of electrons slowed and discrete parts (visible as peaks of the spectrum) as a result of the electrons from the cathode there is mashing atomic electrons anode so trajectory bouncing left and there was a vacancy in the electron shell of atoms the anode (which is usually the greatest probability, occurs on the inner skin). Vacancy on the anode atoms skin will soon be filled by electrons from the skin on the backside, which is accompanied by a transition of power emitted as X-rays characteristic, where the strength or discrete wavelengths which are characteristic or character of the anode material, so regular also called the characteristic X-rays. X-rays or Röntgen rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength range of 10 nanometers to 100 pikometer (same as petahertz frequencies in the range 30 - 30 exahertz) and have energies in the range 100 eV - 100 Kev. X-rays are commonly used in the diagnosis of medical images and X-ray crystallography. X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation and can be dangerous.