Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

The use of x-ray in a variety of fields

X-ray is one tool that can emit electromagnet. X-rays has a similar shape with light rays normal, infrared and radio waves.
What distinguishes x rays with normal light is in terms of wavelength. X-rays have a wavelength shorter size 10-7 to 10-9.
An x-ray or x-ray and functions
In health
Medical science: x-rays can be used to see the condition of the bones, teeth and other organs without melakukun surgery directly on the patient's body. Usually, the common people call it as'' X-ray''.
X-rays are used to take images known as radiographs. X-rays may penetrate the human body but is absorbed by the portion that is more dense as bone. Figure X-rays are used to imposing disability bone, imposing a broken bone and investigate the state of the organs in the body.
X-rays are used to destroy cancer cells. This is known as radiotherapy.
o In the field of Industry, check out the cracks in the structure of plastic and resin.
In the field of scientific research
X-rays are used for probing the structure of the crystal and the separation distance between the atoms in a substance crystal.
In the field of aviation
In-flight X-ray is used to determine the instrument aircraft were damaged. The results of the use of X-rays is easier technician aircraft to perform maintenance on the instrument plane that suffered damage.

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